The Perth to Melbourne ride approximately $430,000 was donated PCFA ( Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia ) To structure a world class paper on Prostate Cancer Treatment.
Tasmanian ride $150k was donated to PCFA for Prostate Research.
With the development of The Male Bag Foundation we have developed partnerships with the following public hospitals to purchase Trans Perineal Biopsy Machines for their local and regional hospitals.
- Ballarat Health Service
- Bairnsdale Hospital
- Bendigo Hospital
- Murrumbidgee Health District ( Griffith )
- Western NSW Local Health District ( Dubbo )
- Cura Newco Health – Wagga Wagga
- Barwon Health Geelong
- Riverland / Mallee /Coorong
- Limestone Coast
- Port Augusta
- Goulburn Valley Hospital, Shepparton
- Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania
- Hamilton Base Hospital
- Northern Hospital